English II (10th Grade)


In English II, students learn how the human experience—real life—is the foundation of the best stories, plays, poems, films, and articles. In each unit of the course, students explore a specific aspect of the human experience such as laughter, obstacles, betrayal, fear, and transformation. Through the study of literature, nonfiction, and life, students explore what it means to be human, what it means to be fulfilled, triumphant, empowered, and transformed. As in life, students have many choices in the English II course. They choose the order in which they complete the units. Students also choose some of the works they read and have countless choices when it comes to demonstrating what they have learned. Whether reading a poem or a novel, writing a story or an analysis, or studying a Shakespearean tragedy or a modern suspense film, students explore what it means to be human, a subject on which they are already experts! 

Major Topics and Concepts

Semester 1

Module 1
01.00 Introduction
01.01 Grammar
01.02 Poetry
01.03 Connotation, Denotation, and Imagery
01.04 Humor
01.05 Tone
01.06 Plot, Pacing, and Point of View
01.07 Alternate Plot Structures
01.08 Narrative Writing
01.09 Pre-writing Process
01.10 Writing Tips
01.11 More Writing Tips
01.12 First Draft
01.13 Discussion-Based Assesment
01.14 Final Draft
01.15 Honors: Love Poem
01.16 Honors: Love of Things
01.17 Module One Exam
Module 2
02.00 Introduction
02.01 The Hurdle
02.02 Historical Context and Human Rights
02.03 Point of View
02.04 Prompt and Human Rights
02.05 The Victory
02.06 Analysis
02.07 Research
02.08 Citations
02.09 The Introduction
02.10 Discussion-Based Assessment
02.11 The Outline
02.12 The First Draft
02.13 Grammar
02.14 The Final Draft
02.15 Honors: The Solution
02.16 Module Two Exam
02.17 Segment One Exam
02.18 Segment One Honors Exam

Semester  2

Module 3
03.00 Introduction
03.01 Fears, Anxieties, Phobias, Oh My!
03.02 The Reality of Fear
03.03 Nothing to Fear
03.04 Free from Fear
03.05 Fascination with Fear
03.06 No Hyding From Fear
03.07 Surprise!
03.08 Fear In Film
03.09 Project Runaway!
03.10 Discussion-Based Assessment
03.11 Honors:Constructing Meaning
03.12 Honors: Bringing it all Together
03.13 Module Three Exam
Module 4
04.00 Introduction
04.01 Apostrophes and Homonyms
04.02 Julius Caesar, Act I
04.03 Julius Caesar, Act II
04.04 Julius Caesar, Act III
04.05 Julius Caesar, Acts IV and V
04.06 Argumentative Writing
04.07 Claims and Counterclaims
04.08 Develop Your Position
04.09 Discussion-Based Assessment
04.10 Outline Your Argument
04.11 Write your Argument
04.12 Your Final Draft
04.13 Honors: The Lay of the Were-Wolf
04.14 Module Four Exam
04.15 Segment Two Exam
04.16 Segment Two Honors Exam