Leadership Skills Development 


In this course, students will acquire new power to succeed in high school, college, and life. Students will learn how to take action by pressing their Turbo Button, manage their time by staying in the Lasting Zone, chart their goals by creating a North Star, and many other proven leadership techniques developed by Mawi Learning, a leadership training organization that has worked with more than one million students. Whether students are struggling or already at the top of their game, Leadership Skills Development will give them new power to create the life of their dreams. 

Major Topics and Concepts

Module 1: Know Your Story

Get ready for a fantastic journey through the world of Leadership!

01.00 Segment One Pretest
01.01 Welcome to Leadership
01.02 What Is Leadership?
01.03 What Is My Story?
01.04 What Is My Here and Now?
01.05 What Actions Can I Take?
01.06 How Can I Change My World?
01.07 Module One Discussion-Based Assessment

Module 2: Set Your Sites

02.00 Module Two Checklist
02.01 Why Do Goals Matter?
02.02 What Happens if I Fail?
02.03 How Do I Set MAD Goals?
02.04 What Is My North?
02.05 What Am I Jazzed About?
02.06 How Can I Stay the Course?
02.07 Why Do Little Things Matter?
02.08 How Do I Share My North Star?
02.09 Module Two Discussion-Based Assessment

Module 3: Use Your Powers

03.00 Module Three Checklist
03.01 What Is The Success GPA?
03.02 Do I Know My Talents?
03.03 How Do I Allocate My Resources?
03.04 How Do I Maintain Focus?
03.05 Who Is in My Network?
03.06 How Can I Serve Others?
03.07 Am I Limiting My Connections?
03.08 Am I Exploring New Ideas?
03.09 Can I Persuade Others to Help Me?
03.10 How Do I Face a Challenge?
03.11 How Do I put it All in Action?
03.12 Module Three Discussion-Based Assessment
03.13 Segment One Exam

Module 4: Build Your Brand

04.00 Segment Two Pretest
04.01 What Is External Leadership?
04.02 What Is Your Brand?
04.03 What Is Your First Impression?
04.04 What Did You Say?
04.05 What Didn't You Say?
04.06 Can We Meet?
04.07 Speaking Out Loud?
04.08 Module Four Discussion-Based Assessment

Module 5: Lead Your Team

05.00 Module Five Checklist
05.01 What Is Team Leadership?
05.02 What Makes a Group Tick?
05.03 How Do We Increase Investment and Trust?
05.04 How Do I Lead a Group Through a Difficult Conversation?
05.05 Can You Help Me?
05.06 What's Style Got to Do With It?
05.07 How Do We Increase Innovation and Manage Distancing?
05.08 Where Are We on the Team Clock?
05.09 Module Five Discussion-Based Assessment

Module 6: Change Your World

06.00 Module Six Checklist
06.01 Why Should You Serve?
06.02 Where Is the Greatest Need?
06.03 How Do I Get Feedback?
06.04 What Is My Plan?
06.05 How Do I Maximize My Resources?
06.06 How Did I Change My World?
06.07 Module Six Discussion-Based Assessment
06.08 Segment Two Exam